Market Research Blogs

Posted On Apr, 29, 2020

The global savory snacks market has evolved a lot since the 1990s when the industry was represented by few brands such as Doritos and Cheese balls and there were few other regional brands. The demand increased rapidly after 2000 when PepsiCo brought Lays and Cheetos to the market. Since then, many global and regional companies have entered into the industry with diverse offerings.

Posted On Apr, 27, 2020

Genomics is a branch of molecular biology that deals with the study of genes, chromosomes and their functions. It concerns with analysis and sequencing of individual’s genome for performing genetic mapping for disease diagnosis and treatment. Genomics involves the study of intragenomic processes such as heterosis, pleiotropy, epistasis and the interactions between loci and alleles within the genome.

Posted On Apr, 27, 2020

Biosimilars are medical biologics that are identical to original products. They are basically ‘complex’ and ‘large-molecular-weight’ molecules made in living cells via genetic engineering. The global biosimilars market is predicted to experience noticeable expansion over the next few years.

Posted On Apr, 27, 2020

Growing environmental concerns, increasing awareness of the economic & ecological viability of using biodegradable plastics coupled with favorable government initiatives have led to the growth of the global biodegradable plastics market. The key drivers expected to boost the biodegradable plastics market are the utilization of bio-based raw material, the shift in consumer preference for eco-friendly packaging, and increased government initiatives & activities to promote the use of biodegradable plastics. 

Posted On Apr, 27, 2020

There’s a reason that professionals have Monday Morning Blues, and it is not only because of going back to work after a couple of days off, but the journey that they have to make to reach their offices. Most use their own private vehicle to commute, where they have to keep their eyes peeled for traffic, while they may also have to exert unnecessary pressure on their throats to yell at reckless drivers. 

Posted On Mar, 31, 2020

In these modern times, one’s residence is not just a place to live in comfortably but also a sign of the owner’s social status. With increasing disposable income in the world all around, standard of living is also rising exponentially. A good interior design of the house is a sign of comfortable living along with being a mark of high standard of living; and fiberglass floorings are becoming an essential part of home interior design, not just because of the aesthetic value but also due to several other properties which makes it indispensable for a comfortable home.

Posted On Mar, 30, 2020

When we hear the term data center, the first thing that comes to mind is a gigantic space, filled with lines and lines of computer systems, telecommunication equipment and storage devices. Entering into a data center feels like a totally futuristic world, and a common person may be forgiven if he actually thinks that he has time-travelled into an unknown dimension. This place, however, satisfies the greatest (?) need of the tech-savvy mankind - the collection, storage, processing and distribution of large amounts of data. And by large, we mean LARGE.

Posted On Mar, 26, 2020

A home has a very special place for each and every person in the world. It is one place where you can be as you are and be comfortable with it. Talking about comfort, it is of utmost importance that home has a comfortable atmosphere; and to make that happen, among several other things maintaining the temperature of the house in the apt range is of great significance.

Posted On Mar, 18, 2020

Natural fibers have been one of the most essential needs of mankind to survive and thrive since time immemorial and it will continue to do so. Modern times has brought several changes in the way we use natural fibers and has increased our potential to use it effectively while we go on about our day-to-day lives. Cellulose fiber forms a major part in this natural fiber market and has proved important to increase the demand in the market manifolds.

Posted On Mar, 18, 2020

These are just some of the advertisements, or their approximations, that we see in our day-to-day life. Watching them influences our purchasing habits, where we base our buying choices on which smell or aroma can last longer. Ever seen an air freshening or scenting machine while waiting in the reception area of a doctor’s office? You must have, and there is a very solid reason to have them in such spaces - to make the air around us smell pleasant, in simple words!

Posted On Mar, 12, 2020

You must all be knowing, or at least have heard about the technology that has caught global attention, for quite some time too, and has totally serenaded the telecom giants in the U.S. and other major operators in various countries worldwide. The buzz around this word has got everyone in the technology sector excited beyond limits, to the extent that smartphone manufacturers have already jumped on to this bandwagon, through launch of related products.

Posted On Mar, 06, 2020

Alternative medicine includes a number of traditional medicinal and faith healing treatments where a disease is treated with organic products, natural methods, and faith healing. These are generally used in the treatment of chronic ailments and pains. Most prominent forms of these therapies in usage include application of ayurvedic medicine and naturopathic treatment, acupuncture, mind/body healing, yoga and magnetic intervention.

Posted On Mar, 05, 2020

Modern world has witnessed a rise in geo-political tension and terrorism, which are some of the gravest threat to humankind. This has resulted into several armed conflicts around the world, such as, Indo-Pak conflict over Kashmir, the Syrian civil war, Yemen crisis, ISIS conflict, and the Lebanon conflict. All these threats are also driving the countries to deploy greater number of armed forces personnel, to gain control over these problems and help maintain law & order situation in these areas.

Posted On Mar, 02, 2020

Renowned American poet Robert Frost’s spectacularly calming & self-assuring poem of 1914, known as ‘Mending Wall’, states very aptly that, “Good Fences Make Good Neighbors”. Ithighlights the importance that fences, boundaries and compounds have in society and how they play a vital role in enabling peaceful cohabitation.

Posted On Feb, 27, 2020

It’s a well-known fact that heart defects have gripped a large proportion of the world population, as the harms of following unhealthy lifestyle habits have started to take a toll on people’s health. With surgeries related to structural heart diseases on the rise, structural heart devices have proved mightily helpful in medical scenarios.

Posted On Feb, 25, 2020

In the earlier days of 1800s, Steel, as a product was very expensive to produce, therefore, could only find its way into smaller expensive objects like knives, swords and armors among others. However, Henry Bessemer's development of the Bessemer converter in 1857 changed it all. Steel began to be produced on a large scale.

Posted On Feb, 24, 2020

You might have heard the word ‘tannin’. No? Well, it does sound very similar to ‘sun tanning’, terms which of course you might be much more familiar with. However, what we will be talking here about is the class of astringent, polyphenolic biomolecules, which bind to and precipitate protein along with other organic compounds such as amino acids and alkaloids. 

Posted On Feb, 20, 2020

Picture this: it’s a very hot summer day, and the sweltering heat is taking its toll on office goers and residents alike. Worry not though, you have the utility companies to count on, when they provide a steady, continuous supply of energy to power the cooling of the building. Same would be the case for a cold winter day, when the utility companies provide energy to power the heating equipment, so that you are warm and cozy inside the buildings.

Posted On Feb, 19, 2020

Climate awareness is growing among people with every passing day. Greta Thunberg, a Swedish 17-year-old school going girl showed the entire world the risks of climate change. This event also highlighted the rise in amount of awareness about climate in the world; proof of this can be seen from the popularity of Fridays For Future & massive support received by Greta from every nook and corner of the world. 

Posted On Feb, 13, 2020

Just the name of the gruesome disease named “Cancer” is enough to send chills down the spine. Therefore, it has become imperative to develop and leverage technology to fight and someday find a cure for this disease, which affects 14 million new lives every year and was the single despicable reason for 9.8 million deaths in 2018, according to World Health Organization

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