Market Research Blogs

Posted On Nov, 30, 2020

Geraldine Ferraro once said, that, “It was not so very long ago that people considered that semi-conductors were part-time orchestra leaders & microchips were very, very small snack foods”. It highlights the ingrained ignorance in the common man towards technology and how much we lose due to it. Surely, we’ve come a long way from that, however, it remains to be seen, how much we can leap forward by leveraging today’s tech-savvy world.

Posted On Nov, 30, 2020

Home - a place where mind is at peace and soul is at rest. There can be no other place better than home for optimum recovery of health and that too at a quicker pace, given that proper care and help is provided under informed guidance. In these pandemic times, this is what is required to save lives and maintain abundance of resources along with availability of medical help for the needy. There are plenty of ways in ensuring proper care at home, one of the important ones is Home Infusion Therapy.

Posted On Nov, 30, 2020

To save and prolong this precious thing, man has gone over to achieve several feats with the help of science and technology, and has developed healthcare and life saving technology to such a level, that astonishes us to the core. When we talk about heart pacemaker, we talk about the same level of developed healthcare technology, which is proving out to be a lifesaver in literal meaning. 

Posted On Nov, 30, 2020

Environment, Health & Safety - individually, these three words drive a large lot of attention without any special mention due to is importance. We can rarely fathom what happens if all the three words come together. When all the three words come together, it forms a mention to a special discipline which points towards the urgent humanitarian needs that are important to be addressed to satisfy the norms for safety at work.

Posted On Nov, 30, 2020

Absorption of moisture in medicines such as tablets, powder, capsules due to moist environment causes decomposition that can generate salicylic acid and acetic acid, and give off stinking odor.

Posted On Nov, 30, 2020

Thermal paper finds use majorly in POS terminals as they provide excellent high-temperature stability, barcode scan ability, and moisture resistance. The POS terminals use thermal paper for transactions in retail, hospital, and warehouse on account of offering superior property of exhibiting high time span as compared to ordinary conventional printed paper. 

Posted On Nov, 30, 2020

The global underwater concrete market is expected to be driven by the growing hydropower generation capacity expansions. Hydropower has emerged as one of the fastest growing non-renewable energy sources over the past five years, primarily in Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America.

Posted On Nov, 30, 2020

Probiotics ingredients are recommended for individuals with digestive distress, high blood glucose level and various other illnesses. Probiotics ingredients consist of beneficial microorganisms which help in maintaining the balance between good and bad bacteria in human beings and animals.

Posted On Nov, 30, 2020

Chopsticks are pairs of equal length sticks used for eating and cooking purposes, across the globe. They are majorly used in the Asian countries and form a significant part of the day-to-day eating routines of Koreans, Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, and other Asians. 

Posted On Nov, 30, 2020

For those who have played and experienced Outlast, the excellent horror game from Red Barrels Studio, imagine that you are going across a hallway, silently moving along to avoid any attention. Mindful of your surroundings, you see one of the monsters in the game a few steps ahead. You move into a nearby room and hide under a bed, as you see the monster enter the room, look around and leave. 

Posted On Nov, 30, 2020

There is no denying that technology has made progress leaps & bounds. Along with it, humans have been able to connect and grow together in a more efficient manner. To keep up with the surging ambitious growth, several advancements in networking capabilities are essential. This is where, Passive Optical Network comes into the picture.

Posted On Nov, 30, 2020

Imagine you have an appointment with your doctor, let’s say, for a routine check-up or follow-up. However, there are certain circumstances which may not allow you to travel on that particular day. The doctor tells you, “Well, Sir, I am sorry but I won’t be available for a month from now on, so your follow up might be too late.” Well, unlucky you that you will miss the appointment. If only there was a way that the doctor could have remotely monitored you….

Posted On Nov, 27, 2020

Before we jump onto simplifying one of the types of polymer, let us first dive into simplifying the meaning of a polymer. A polymer is nothing but repeated number of units and sub-units of molecules and macro-molecules, which gives it distinct properties. SMP is one such type of a polymer.

Posted On Nov, 27, 2020

An Arabian Proverb says, “He who has health has hope, He who has hope has everything”. When it comes to prioritizing health with other things, health should inevitably take the topmost priority. A solid reason was highlighted by someone smart and wise generations ago, that states, Health is the real Wealth.

Posted On Nov, 27, 2020

Over the last decade, the IoT MCU market has experienced a gradual transformation from 8-bit MCUs to 32-bit MCUs. Internet of Things (IoT) appears to have significantly influenced microcontroller technology. In a recent market research report examining the global IoT Microcontroller (MCU) market, Grand View Research states that the market size is expected to reach USD 3,561.7 million by 2022. Increased pressure on systems designers to design innovative products and provide breakthrough solutions consistently, provides avenues for future growth.


Posted On May, 19, 2020

Currently, the IoT industry has multiple operating standards and competing alliances to be formed between major companies, to push their preferred solutions into the industry. For instance, Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC) is an alliance, formed to develop interconnection standards for IoT devices.

Posted On May, 19, 2020

The cold chain market is driven by the stringent government regulations imposed on production and supply chains, owing to the increasing number of food safety and pharma counterfeit incidents. Governments, across the globe, have stated various regulations and guidelines for storage and transportation of refrigerated products. For instance, in November 2013, the European Union passed guidelines on good distribution practices for medical products used on humans.

Posted On May, 19, 2020

The demand for craft beer is expected to witness substantial growth on account of the growing consumer preference for craft beer over the mainstream beer. A wide range of flavors coupled with low ABV is expected to be the key factors for the aforementioned shift in the consumer tastes & preferences.

Posted On May, 19, 2020

Carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic (CFRTP) is an incredibly strong and lightweight fiber reinforced plastic. These composites are costly to produce and are used wherever high rigidity and strength to weight ratio is needed. The product is used in different applications such as automotive, aerospace, civil engineering, sports and numerous other technical and consumer applications.

Posted On May, 08, 2020

What is canned food, and how good is it? is a question that has been hounding consumers for, well, since canned foods were introduced in marts and supermarkets. manufacturers of canned food products always have had to bat away the all-important question - How safe is the ‘food can’ that is being used to sell the fruits or vegetables? There have always been conflicting opinions regarding the quality of these containers and the resulting condition of the food material within, but manufacturers have been striving to provide consumers with the best quality food that can be made available.

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