Market Research Blogs

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

IVAs can answer the queries of users regarding internet access. They also put on reminders for important events and help access your phone’s vital files with voice commands.

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

How many times must it have happened that you have run out of cash, standing at the cast counter of some fancy restaurant, and are thinking of how to pay the bill. You reach into your pocket, pull out your cell phone, and tap a few buttons, and that’s it! You have made your payment! Well, that’s a problem solved, but how has it come to be this way? All this has been made possible through the use of mobile wallets.

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

An oil spill is a byproduct of human activity in which petroleum hydrocarbon is released into the environment, which results in pollution. Oil spill can occur onshore as well as offshore. The oil spill is mainly due to the release of crude oil during exploration & production or transportation from pipelines, tankers, drilling rigs & wells, offshore platforms as well as a spill of other petroleum products, for instance, diesel & gasoline.

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

Power electronics is the application of solid-state electronics to the conversion and control of electric power. Starting with the first high power electronic devices in 1902 with mercury-arc valves, the present day has seen much improvements in their design and structure. Today, the conversions are performed using semiconductor switching devices like diodes, thyristors, as well as power transistors like IGBT. These devices possess optimum forwarding, reverse backing, simplified circuitry, and compact designing capabilities.

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

The global RFID market is stimulated by the growing need for inventory control. These products reduce process cycle time and increase distribution efficiency. Products such as tags, readers, and scanning devices, are used in different application areas such as retail, healthcare, financial services, government, industrial, and transport.

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

The smart cards market is mainly driven by the growing trend of adoption of IoT devices, such as mobile phones and tablets, that contribute toward digital services including e-banking and mobile payment facilities. The usage of these products is instrumental in reducing handling and operational costs as well as providing efficient storage of user data.

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

We all may have heard this phrase; however, due to the wonders of science (will it ever stop mystifying and mesmerizing us?), there is a possibility to turn this phrase into a reality, probably some years down the line. You may be familiar with the movie ‘Back to the Future’ part 2, which showed what a smart home would look like in 2015, featuring scene screen windows tuned to the scenery channel, as well as voice-controlled fruit baskets. Or we can talk about the beloved cartoon ‘The Jetsons’, which showed a very futuristic scenario to the audiences in the 70s and 90s.

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

The phase of wireless charging is almost here, with car makers, airports, and restaurant chains setting up charging stations. You can merely place your phone on the table to renew the battery, instead of having to carry a charger and plug it in

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

Buddha is quoted as saying that “Change is the only constant thing in life” and everybody knows that a growling engine of change in modern age is - Technology. It has the potential to build upon existing systems or completely overthrow redundant tech and substitute them with a modern efficient technology. 

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

Some hard facts. Cancer has been second leading cause of death in the U.S. and around the world. Inefficient early diagnosis, low awareness, and unmet clinical needs are some of the major factors contributing to the growing base of this disorder. Globally, nearly 1 in 6 deaths occur due to some type of cancer, leading to 9.6 million deaths in 2016. A report by the American Cancer Society expects 1.8 million new cancer cases to be diagnosed in the country in 2020, with 606,520 expected to fall prey to the disease.

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

Health is and will always be considered as the most important wealth a person can have. Good health makes a person fully capable of enjoying every wonderful moment of his or her beautiful life. However, it’s also a truth that people fall sick and get bereaved of some of those beautiful moments of their lives. Sickness and ill health takes a large toll on people’s lives, quite evident from the COVID-19 pandemic. In these times, healthcare facilities like clinical laboratory testing boost the doctor’s ability to help the patients.

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

Cord blood is the blood that is left post-delivery in the placenta and umbilical cord. Cord blood is collected from umbilical cord just after the child is born. It is a rich source of stem cells, which have the ability to differentiate into a range of cell types. Cord blood banking services involve the collection of cord blood and cryogenically freezing the stem cells, as well as other immune system cells, so that they can be preserved for medical uses in future.

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

Akin to other industries, healthcare too is going digital. Actually; data analytics, software-based technology, cloud computing, and IoT (Internet of Things) are set to transform ‘life sciences’ like never before

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

Medical electrodes function by transferring the ionic current energy of the body into electrical current that can be amplified and examined for diagnosis of various cardiac, ocular, nervous, and muscular diseases. Medical electrodes play a vital role in providing ideal electrical contact between the patient and apparatus/device used to record or measure activity. Medical electrodes contain lead, metal, and electrode-conducting paste or gel. 

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

Advanced gastrointestinal drug eluting stents (DES) were introduced in the market to overcome certain disadvantages such as restenosis and neo-intimal hyperplasia associated with the first generation stents namely, bare metal and plastic stents. In addition, a paradigm shift from conventional invasive procedures to minimally invasive procedures is fueling the demand for GI stents. Thus, DES is widely used since it supports minimally invasive procedures.

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

The human body is a vast maze of cells and tissues, each performing a vital function. In an animal body, there are four basic types of tissues - epithelium, connective tissue, nervous tissue and muscle tissue. While in case of plants, the four basic tissue types are dermal tissue, vascular tissue, ground tissue and meristematic tissue. Cells are broadly classified into two types - prokaryotic and eukaryotic.

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

Nowadays, everyone, be it man or woman, teenager or adult, is focused on keeping their skin glowing and fresh. You might have seen advertisements about anti-ageing and anti-wrinkle creams and lotions on the television. This is a burgeoning industry right now, as manufacturers have managed to strike a chord with consumers through their attractive product features. However, there are products that may cause more harm than good for the skin. 

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

In-vitro diagnostics is a type of medical test to help detect and diagnose diseases or infections and determine a course of treatment, under a controlled environment such as a laboratory. The tests may be conducted on either urine, blood or a human body tissue. Patients undergoing these tests may either receive or decline further medical care, thus making the reliability of these tests extremely crucial.

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronan, is an anionic, non-sulfated glycosaminoglycan and is a gooey, clear substance which is produced naturally by the human body. It is mostly found in the skin, eyes and connective tissues, and its main objective is to keep human tissues moist and well lubricated. It is distributed throughout epithelial, connective and neural tissues. Majority of the consumers use it as a supplement, but it can also be used in topical serums, injections and eye drops.

Posted On Dec, 03, 2020

You might have heard sportspersons saying, “I would not miss this match for my life!” Well, what would happen if this match is just a couple of weeks or a month away, and this sportsperson gets injured? Straight to the doctor’s table he goes, where the whole fitness team tries to get him/her ready for the game. Today, the expansion in research and technology fields is so rapid that medicines are witnessing a revolutionary development each day, and more so in the field of games and sports.

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