Market Research Blogs

Posted On May, 22, 2023

Depression is the leading cause of disabilities worldwide as it impacts normal day-to-day activities of an individual. These disorders need to be treated at an early stage to avert the development of suicidal conditions in mentally depressed individuals.With surging incidence of depressive disorders, the market witnesses growth due to increasing prescription rates.

Posted On May, 22, 2023

Globally, recent introductions & expected launch of the urate-lowering agents in the market, rising incidence of gout due to changing lifestyle, and increasing adoption of the newer agents, during the forecast period are likely to drive the market over the coming years. Presently, gout affects about 1% of the world’s population and 5% of arthritis sufferers across the globe. Several studies estimated that in 2012, prevalence of gout in the U.K. was 2.49% of total population, which had increased by approximately 63.9% as compared to 1997. 

Posted On May, 22, 2023

Halal certifications were limited to food & beverages, but have steadily extended to personal care products and cosmetics. Rising awareness among consumers regarding these certifications have compelled major beauty & personal care companies to shift their focus to this niche market segment.

Posted On May, 22, 2023

Increasing awareness among parents about baby nutrition, hygiene and safety is expected to drive the market over the forecast period. Rising female participation in the workforce has increased the spending capability, which is expected to drive the baby product market. The manufacturers of baby products are focusing on producing ready to use with premium quality in order to increase the number of customers buying baby products.

Posted On May, 22, 2023

Prior to clinical studies for any new molecule, well-established preclinical studies must be performed to allow the FDA to provide the Investigational New Drug (IND) approval. This growing attention toward preclinical analysis is expected to support growth of rat model market.

Posted On May, 08, 2023

In current scenario, contract manufacturing services for small as well as large-molecule drug product is popular and is an ever increasing trend within pharmaceutical sector. Insufficient internal resources to cope with increasing therapeutic demand is driving this vertical.

Posted On Apr, 27, 2023

The first Tuesday of May is recognized as World Asthma Day by the Global Initiative for Asthma, (GINA) to increase awareness about preventive and predictive measures for asthma worldwide, with a coordinated global effort. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), asthma globally affected over 262 million people in 2019, with a high mortality of 455,000.  

Posted On Apr, 03, 2023

Fuel cells are devices which convert the fuel’s chemical energy into electricity via a chemical reaction in the presence of an oxidizing agent. They can be of different types, but they all consist of an anode, cathode, as well as an electrolyte. They use hydrogen or other hydrocarbon fuels which are available in abundance, along with an oxidant (usually oxygen), to carry out an electrochemical reaction. This makes them one of the fastest growing alternate backup power options. 

Posted On Apr, 03, 2023

World Autism Awareness Day is celebrated on April 2nd every year, and the objective is to enhance the quality of life of autistic people. March 27th to April 2nd was observed as Happy World Autism Acceptance Week, and the theme for 2023 is color. 

Posted On Mar, 21, 2023

Scents and fragrances are an inseparable part of human lives, but more precisely they exhibit a huge influence on our busy lives. Victor Hugo states, “Nothing awakens a memory like a smell.” The saying stands true to its core because psychologically, humans tend to attach memory to smell which is recognizable to a human nose even after a gap of a couple of years.


Posted On Mar, 21, 2023

Effective and efficient use of water would be a definite solution to limit water dependency for other uses. The use of SMART technologies to conserve natural resources has become a trend while catering to the competing demands for food. Though there is a huge gap between demand and supply owing to geographical differences, SMART water management practices have become imminent all across the globe.

Posted On Jan, 24, 2023

Education makes one highly conscious about life and it is one of the primary necessities in developing a quality life. The pedagogical approach has transformed in the past two centuries with an emphasis on bringing social awareness and establishing social values in the society.

Posted On Nov, 14, 2022

STEM is an acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It also defines a collaborative learning approach and incorporates blended learning concepts.

Posted On Oct, 18, 2022

Population growth, developing living standards and growing consumer awareness regarding health disorders is expected to drive the demand for nutritional products, and dietary supplements. The abovementioned factors are expected to drive the application of digestive enzyme supplements over the upcoming years. 

Posted On May, 06, 2022

Suppose you’re in a market in the middle of groceries shopping and you suddenly find yourself running out of cash. You almost panicked but then you realized that it’s the 21st century you live in and there are plenty of ATMs around, whose main purpose is to supply cash in these kinds of situations. However, have you ever wondered who deposits such a huge load of cash in these ATMs? If your educated guess is Bank, then you cannot be further from the truth.

Posted On Apr, 19, 2022

The Field Programmable Gate Array is an Integrated Circuit (IC) which can be configured to a device by a customer after its manufacturing, hence it is termed as - Field Programmable. Some FPGAs can be reprogrammed infinite times and some limited times. Hardware Descriptive Language (HDL) is used to configure FPGA, in a manner similar to the configuration of application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC).

Posted On Feb, 12, 2021

The automotive industry has been experiencing a significant change over the years, and there is an increasing trend towards reduction of automobile weight to improve fuel efficiency. The major raw materials used for plastic production include natural gas, crude oil, coal, cellulose, and salt. 

Posted On Dec, 17, 2020

Feed additives are the common ingredients of diets in animals. The importance of feed additives has been realized and recognized over the past few years only. These products help in achieving greater efficiency and higher production. 

Posted On Dec, 08, 2020

Injuries are a part and parcel of one’s life. Especially in case of contact sports, where sportspersons are in constant danger of injuring their hands, shoulders, elbow, ankle or knees. If left untended, these injuries can cause much pain in the long run. One of the common injuries seen in such sports is damage to the cartilage, which can lead to a long spell on the sidelines for the player, in sporting terms.

Posted On Dec, 04, 2020

Dietary fibers, found in plants, are an essential component of the human diet. These are one of the essential nutrients to the human body. Their major benefits include normalizing the bowel movements and maintaining bowel health, thus decreasing chances of constipation. Besides, soluble fibers found in oats, beans, and oat bran help in lowering blood cholesterol levels.

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